The past year has been a huge turbulance for everyone turning upside down jobs, businesses, home and people private lifes. Challenges on every step. To keep calm when storm is at its peak takes a lot of courage, skills and intelligence. When we look back at our year at Polipaks we see that the turbulence is not yet over but surely we can say that one of those keeping it calm has been our very highly skilled Sales department. Our enormous appreciation this time is deserved to ASM Gatis Svarcs who has been the key link between customers, supply chain, our production- to make it through mad year of 2021.


Gatis is working in Polipaks over 10 years currently. Ten very significant years of a company growth he has been adding value step by step expanding markets and opening new opportunities on international level. 10 years ago Gatis started as a sales representative in Baltics, being very passionate, fast learning and curious of developing new businesses and work in much more wider perspective. By being able to prove the worthiness of his job results, being a leader in sales team and meanwhile getting it all done with calm – he was promoted to be ASM, and over past few years leading sales team of Scandinavia.

When asked what have been the major motivators for his continuous development- answer is very direct- personal and professional growth opportunities daily always has been a key factor not to stop. Every day there is something new to learn, something to study, something to solve. Having a chance to dig deep into technical processes has opened wide understanding of new world, new industry in which are unlimited options for professional growth. Small successes, reached targets, customer satisfaction trust and evaluation is a huge satisfaction.

Colleagues are valuating Gatis very much a leader, who take responsibility and accountabilities, and when it really counts is in first line supporting top management. At meantime a manager who drives sustainable company growth, able to manage a cohesive team of structured professional. Very effective doer and problem solver,  someone who do actually care. He always see the whole picture and knows every single piece that makes it a whole, and if he does not, he is digging deep to know it, to understand, to help his team to see the same. He is a colleague, he is a friend, he is a family.

At home Gatis is real family person, investing a lot of time with his relatives, meanwhile working on his own house projects to improve, to change, to invest into family place. He enjoys learning new things and jobs he never have done before- that makes him more man. He absolutely loves ping-pong and enjoys to play volleyball with friends anc colleagues.


We are proud to have Gatis on our team and we are sure there is a lot ahead for mutual growth!


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PP/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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PP/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

PP/PP laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable in PP stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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