Brand awareness is one of the key success factors for every brand. Key factor for brand itself is its visual appearance, and if your brands speak through packaging, it’s a key to have it superior, with outstanding artwork in excellent print quality. Polipaks have had extremely rapid and constant growth providing packaging solutions that speak for themselves but especially very huge impact has been on Printing quality in past 10 years. And we all know that success depends on all team work but without right people in right positions it wouldn’t be possible. Today we are sure that one man deserves a thank you in all its means. Very positive, hardworking, result driven and generous person- Head of Print Department- Vasilij Tkachuk.

Growth within Polipaks Group

His path in Polipaks Group started 17 years ago when working as Sales manager of company Trade division Multipack on rigid packaging sales and distribution. Always very motivated, looking and finding solutions that drive a result and success. Paying attention to detail and focusing on customer needs. His willing to aim and reach targets lead his way to step higher and roll into other of Group companies- production division Polipaks expanding export growth in Nordic countries.

Flexible packaging production is a complex manufacturing process where many details must be understood to depth of it, looking at the same from different angles. Only with obvious effort invested it is possible to understand the need of a product and needs of a customer. Vasilijs did it perfectly by digging into processes as well as markets and customers to find the perfect correlation that can be turned into a solution. 2 years of hard work of penetrating into new export markets, Vasilijs became an expert of category of flexible packaging products. His deep understanding of products, technical requirements, capability on workload to be combined with preciseness, attention to detail, professionalism and dedication was a boost of further growth in company as a part of production division. Becoming a head of Printing department leading a team of more than 50 people, managing all operational printing work, quality, requirements and processes.

As Vasilij says himself that main driver in current position is the fact of having free wings to manage all trusted responsibilities and lead a team to gain success. Being able to lead all processes and be responsible for all taken decisions, managing all important activities that help to improve quality, reach high end result is significant motivator never to stop. Under his responsibility Polipaks has managed to improve printing processes in past decade to a level that serves all customer needs, and lets every Brand owner to evaluate the outstanding packaging print quality.

Personality to whom we trust

Vasilijs says that 17 years being a part of a company feels like a second home, a second family but it never is taken for granted. Ongoing company growth, development makes a person also to grow simultaneously, and challenge himself with new projects, tasks and developments that do require a lot of learning and self-development.

Colleagues describe Vasilijs as man of his word. Vasilijs performs a large amount of work, always meets the deadlines, at the same time manages to attend all meetings, projects, prepare the required reports in a timely manner, and also get acquainted with the reports received by him. The scope of work performed by him testifies to the high professionalism and dedication of the company. Credible ability to analyse facts, collect the necessary information and, on the basis of this, make informed decisions.

Considering different options, he demonstrates the ability to make right decisions. He learns quickly and knows how to look “at the root” of the issue – to separate the important from the secondary. Even if he does not always agree with the decisions of his colleagues, he always treats them with respect. Knowing Vasilijs ability to analyse the situation and make informed decisions, colleagues often turn to him for advice.

Knows how to plan his work and set goals. Prioritizes correctly. Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as the organization makes a decision (even if the decision is made in another department), assesses the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies its work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often, his questions and comments are useful not only for him, but for the entire organization. He is a person company can trust to.


We are proud to have teammates to share our common values with. We are proud to have Vasilijs on board! 

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PP/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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PP/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

PP/PP laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable in PP stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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