Customer Service

Every day, everything we do here at our Factory is done for our customers. Our customers are the key to our success and vice versa. To fully meet our customer expectations and achieve a high level of satisfaction, an excellent product and also excellent customer service is a must. We all know this is definitely a team work, but the people who truly serve each of our customers, face all of the communication, from getting the order to delivering the goods, is our customer service. Last year our customers have rated cooperation with us as good / excellent. This is an achievement for all team, but especially this spring we would like to highlight our extremely qualified and responsive customer service team.

This is a very challenging period of time. The market is facing a lot of stress caused by multiple reasons, and our customer service is one of those who face all this stress every day, manage it, and still is able to satisfy every customer to get their goods on time, in a perfect quality and condition, as well as at the best service.

For 8 years a strong team of 9 professionals has grown in our Customer service team. Learn and improve every day, since they all as one say that a particular job in this industry is very complicated and requires processing a lot of information in a short time. Every day there is a chance to learn something new and a chance to face change through change. The team’s experience is fairly common, mainly representing the banking sector as well as logistics, and this may be the key to their strong unity of clear rules, accuracy and speed. Meanwhile, the willingness to learn, the desire to find every detail that could bring the best result, make them perfect in what they do.

When asked what the most motivating factor in their work is, no doubt the answer is clear: a satisfied customer says “Thank you”! It is very important that your work and investment is appreciated, and there is no better value than satisfaction and the ability to make other business processes happen. In the meantime, the team states that most of the daily motivation is themselves, and especially their team leader, who is a coach, who knows where and how to lead the team to get the job done! A person who can hear, listen and understand is the ideal customer service profile and we are lucky to have nine of them!

Undoubtedly, the close-knit team is very strong. Inner trust, reliability, and inner respect are very important. Our customer service team is not only united in the office, but also performs its tasks by playing sports together, having similar hobbies and interests. Whenever you get the opportunity to get together, you will see them doing Zumba, tennis, yoga, cross-country skiing and swimming – whatever the season. But while the world is still closed – books and films brings together.

The customer support team works closely with all departments of the company, linking them together and being the center of information where all the important facts are gathered – this is a vital job! We are proud to have such a great crew on board!

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PP/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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PP/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

Oriented PE/High barrier PE laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • 100% Polipaks production cycle
    • Mechanically recyclable in PE stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • Efficient waste reduction and material re-use
    • Less virgin materials in use
    • Renewable content
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety
    • Downgauging option
    • High functionality and Portection for customers' products

PP/PP laminates


Properties Value*
Mechanical properties
Oxygen Transmission Rate
Water Vapour Transmission Rate
Optical clarity for transparent films

*1 – low, 3 -high

    • Mechanically recyclable in PP stream
    • Clear marking within existing system
    • CEFLEX guidelines principles for product design
    • Product safety

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